You’ve noticed some red spots creeping along your walls and in your bathroom. Is it red mold? At MoldGone — we get it. Nobody wants to see mold in their home or business. While it is surely unsightly, it could also be a sign of more underlying problems and potential health risks. So, keep reading to learn more about red mold and why it’s showing up on your Arizona property. And, most importantly, how to eliminate it for good. 

All About Red Mold

Knowledge gives homeowners power and a sense of taking control. 

First, red mold isn’t a specific type. It’s just a term applied to many culprits like Fusarium, Aureobasidium pullulans, and Epicoccum nigrum. 

These red molds proliferate in damp and humid environments. Therefore, you are probably wondering why they are still so common in Arizona’s arid climate. That’s because our bathrooms, kitchens, and basements are environments rich in moisture, and mold just needs a little bit to take hold. 

How Did Red Mold Invade My Arizona Home?

So, how can red mold thrive in Arizona’s dry environment? That’s a good question! While we do live in a desert climate, moisture still thrives in various areas of our properties. 

Red mold is common around:

  • Leaking pipes
  • Shower heads
  • Bathroom tiles
  • Air conditioning units

All of these items produce enough moisture for red mold to thrive. Unfortunately, it spreads quickly. 

How to Spot Red Mold

Red mold isn’t too challenging to spot because it has a distinctive color. Scan moisture-rich rooms for red or pinkish patches that are sometimes mixed with hues of orange or brown. 

Red mold can grow on all types of surfaces, including:

  • Wood
  • Tile
  • Drywall
  • Fabric

Is Red Mold Something I Need to Worry About?

Yep! Red mold can cause health issues, especially in people with allergies, asthma, or a compromised immune system. Here are some signs of red mold exposure:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Skin rashes

Some people also experience severe breathing issues. 

However, it’s more than just health risks. Red mold can also weaken the structure of your property and lead to costly repairs or rebuilds. 

What Are the Best Ways to Eliminate Red Mold?

So, you’ve spotted red mold in your Arizona home. What should you do now?

Take Safety Precautions 

Before you start scrubbing or attempting some DIY strategy you saw on YouTube, you need to protect yourself. Get yourself some gloves, a mask, and safety goggles so you don’t breathe in the mold spores. Your health is the #1 priority. 

Identify the Source of Moisture

Red mold thrives in wet environments, so you need to find the source of the moisture. Whether it’s a leaking pipe or poor ventilation, once you find the source, you need to fix the issue. 

Without moisture, red mold won’t continue to grow and spread. However, the source isn’t always easy to locate. In that case, you need to call the MoldGone team to help. We have advanced diagnostics and tools that will find the source of water quickly. 

Clean the Moldy Area

Only do this if the mold is confined to a small area (less than 10 square feet). Use this step-by-step guide:

  1. Mix a solution of water and dish soap, or use white vinegar.  
  2. Scrub the moldy surface with a brush. 
  3. Rinse the surface with clean water and let it dry. 

Don’t use bleach. It will damage porous surfaces and worsen the problem. 

Improve Ventilation

Ventilation keeps moisture from settling on surfaces and reduces humidity. The best choices are fans and dehumidifiers. 

When Should You Call in the Professionals?

We are going to give it to you straight — the DIY strategies rarely work. 

Why? Because mold spores are invisible, they spread throughout your home without you even knowing. 

Therefore, why not just call MoldGone to begin with so we can eliminate the red mold and keep it from recurring. We use safe strategies, such as EPA-registered dry fog, to keep your family safe and demolition to an absolute minimum. 

We’re Ready to Eliminate Your Red Mold

When you choose MoldGone to protect your Arizona property, you can rest easy knowing that our services are fast, affordable, and guaranteed. We started this business for the very reason to protect the people you love. So, contact our office today and we’ll be at your property as soon as tomorrow.